TasK 3 V2 - Digital Design Festival

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I want to the SAP Weekend: Digital Design Festival at the V&A, which had many talks, workshops and exhibitions, all centered around digital design. It was amazing!

Some of the work these guys are doing is way over my head, there use of open source programming to create digital images is out of this world. One of the talks that really interested me was by Memo Akten, whose company "The Mega Super Awesome Visuals Company" is doing some outstanding work.
He creates programs with OpenFrameworks and Processing which use human interaction and music to make this beautiful animations, that are really quite surreal!

Depeche Mode - Fragile Tension from DJ Rigel on Vimeo.

The OpenFrameworks Lab was interesting too, with loads of hackers sitting around brainstorming about how to come up with the next best thing... like this...

Big Screams from prisonerjohn on Vimeo.

Where you control a character on screen using your phone! Scream as loud as you can to push everyone else off and be the last one standing!

The final workshop I went to a Recode Decode workshop with Karson Schmit, the creator of the Decode digital identity, which was a short workshop using open souse code. I found it rather complicated! A lot more reading and coding experience is needed to get to his level... I did manage to write a little programme (with his help!) to create an image of random coloured circles... very impressive I thought :-)


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